Embrace Adversity

You know, there are always challenges and Adversity that we get to overcome in life. Overcoming Adversity is not always easy and it typically stems from a person, situation, or limitation. It can stop you in your tracks. Adversity can cause you to feel like you’re are spinning your wheels. To me Adversity feels like being caught in a net. Everyone has experienced adversity in some way. Have you identified your challenges? Take a moment to accept challenges and tell yourself, My challenges will be resolved easily and quickly.

Adversity can equal growth

Adversity can be a source of powerful growth and steadfast resolve. For me, overcoming adversity has been a great source of determination and tenacity. Even I have had moments when I felt that quitting was my only option. Yet, when I took a moment to see adversity in a different light, things began to fall into place and flow again. 

Shine, experience adversity as play. In her mind, everything is a game! Shine’s energy and determination to figure things out allow her to have fun no matter the challenge.  

Adversity without judgement

In my book, SHINE ON! I write that experiencing each situation without judgment allows us to overcome adversity with more ease. Asking others who are more knowledgeable for guidance or another perspective, or seeking assistance can be helpful and inspiring as well. Adversity can be a test to see how unshakable you can be, even in moments of uncertainty. Because of this adversity is a wonderful way to conquer self-doubt. 

Adversity can be pressures around you

Pressures of school, work, and relationships can be stressful. When I’m coaching my clients, I talk about the act of balancing homework, work, and home life and how it can be a strain on personal time. I suggest overcoming these challenges by creating a schedule and making sure you allow schedule personal time.

Working on time management skills and communicating your needs to family and friends will also help with overcoming the Adversity of school, work and relationships. You can make these Adversities fun by purchasing a fun, funky planner.

Adversity through medical diagnoses

I went through a time of Adversity when it was presented to me that I had a disease and the options were either prescription drugs or changing my whole diet and lifestyle.

Fortunately, I chose to change my diet and lifestyle and managed to create an awesome fun life. So if anybody can understand what it takes to overcome adversity it’s me! Thank you for the opportunity to share my story. It’s been a long, difficult path to get here and I am grateful for the support of my family and friends, and YOU!!

Adversity and finding your way

I have always found a way to complete challenges, even if my way may be a bit different than what most people would do. When I bought my first computer, it was a challenge because of my dyslexia. Following written directions and learning to type is a task. Yet instead of feeling defeated, I chose to attend classes, watch videos, and ask questions from friends who were good with computers. There is no shame in asking for help when trying to learn something new and overcome adversity.

Technology has played a big role in my life and I have learned to use it as a tool for Empowerment, not just entertainment. Throughout the Adversities of my dyslexia and my health problems over the years, I have still managed to build a successful business.

It’s my commitment to Empower you to achieve your goals in life and overcome your Adversities!

I invite you to watch the tips I give about Adversity. Contact Angel Marie today

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