Ignite! Book by Angel Marie Monachelli no Background

Be the first to get a copy of Angel's newest book, IGNITE!

This book is a practical guide to raising your energy in 30-seconds or less, so that you can SHINE with More Abundance. 

The official release date is January 6th, 2023!

I wrote this book to be able to share my experiences and perception of life to guide you and give you tools of resilience to get you through those tough times. Ignite will help you recognize the wonderful, unique person you truly are. 

I’m not saying I have all the answers. At first glance, the invitations in this book may seem random and you will wonder how they could possibly ignite your energy. I just ask you to look beyond your limiting beliefs and dive deep with your open mind and try some of these golden nuggets.

It’s time to talk about ENERGY and how your energy matters. How your energy is the key to create self-care, self-confidence, self-realization, joy and abundance in every action. Everything in life because everything is ENERGY!

Every activity we do requires energy.  This book will help you shift your perception of many of the activities in order to fill you with the energy of peace, clarity, success and balance.

Now it is time for you to truly connect to the difference between struggling every day and happily living a life of ease and grace. 

Let’s go on this adventure together!

Ignite! Book by Angel Marie Monachelli no Background

Single Copy

1 Book
$ 19
  • 1 Autographed Copy
  • Early Bird Discount
  • Value $24.95

Gift Giver

5 copies
$ 97
  • 5 Autographed Copies
  • Early Bird Discount
  • Value $124.75


10 Copies
$ 179
  • 10 Autographed Copies
  • Early Bird Discount
  • Value $249.50


25 Copies
$ 479
  • 25 Autographed Copies
  • 1-hour Virtual Coaching
  • Early Bird Discount
  • Value $973.75


50 Copies
$ 2300
  • 50 Autographed Copies
  • 1-hour Keynote Speech
  • Early Bird Discount
  • Value $3250.50

About The Author

Angel Marie Monachelli has been called “The Energizer”. As a TV Host, 7-time International Best-Selling Author, Reiki Master, Personal Energy Expert, Master Speaker, and creator of the Elite Reiki Certification System, Angel Marie has been changing the world by sharing how to use Energy, to create more abundance, confidence and joy.

With Shine, her awesome Australian Cattle dog by her side, you will find Angel Marie’s positive Energy overflowing from her business into her life as she spends time laughing with friends, cooking, dancing, singing, traveling and watching movies.

Change Your Mindset, Energize Your Life and Shine On!

Angel Marie Monachelli in Pink with Shine
Ignite! Book by Angel Marie Monachelli no Background
let's stay connected

My commitment to the world is that you discover that you have the ability to choose how you want to feel, how you want to show up, and how you can have more energy, confidence & joy.

© 2022 Lightworkers Gifts & Angel Marie Monachelli. All Rights Reserved.

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